Jessica Salort Photography 850-313-1586

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Baby Tye, Birth Photography // Fort Walton Beach Photographer

"It's a boy!"

Baby Tye came into the world on Monday April 23,2018 at 7:49am. At just 7lbs 10oz and 22 inches long he was as precious as can be.  It was a beautiful spring day to be born to the most loving and caring parents in the world. It was such a joyful birth and I am so glad I was able to be a part of it.

I met the Thetfords through a mutual friend the night before when Chrissy went into labor. She had originally scheduled to have another photographer document the birth of her second child but the photographer was unable to due to sickness. So like most people these days she quickly turned to social media to help her find a photographer to help her with her urgent request. I was just getting ready to go to bed when I saw the post asking for help. I quickly offered to help and rushed to the hospital. 

By the time I had gotten to the hospital she was already 5 ½ centimeters dialated and labor was going by quickly. I arrived right around midnight to hopefully get a chance to photograph the birth of the precious baby boy. Her previous labor happened so fast with her first so we anticipated having another quick birth. Unfortunately that wouldn’t be the case at all as we soon found out.

Once she got situated and comfortable in her room her labor stopped all together. She was stuck at 7-8 centimeters for most of the early morning up until about a hour before she gave birth. We spent the early morning getting to know each other and then eventually we all took a nap when we realized things were going a bit slower than we had hoped.

Her labor was very intense but she handled it with the most patience  and grace that I had ever seen.. Chrissy’s labor began almost 12 hours earlier so she just restless at this point by the time 7am rolled around. It was once her water bag was ruptured  which helped  speed up the progress and within 15 mins she was ready to push. The doctor who she waited for all night long was in the room over delivering another baby so the nurses were quick to assist Chrissy with her delivery because she could no longer hold the need to push.  With just a few pushes the little one was out.

I tell you it doesn’t matter how many times I do this that beautiful moment you see a new life come into the world that feeling is so overwhelming. To be a part of that story, that moment in time is life changing.

Thank you Thetford family for allowing me to share your joyful moment with you! -Jessica